Technology Kills Creativity

In the 21st century, the lifestyle has changed fast, in our everyday lives the use of technology become as necessary as a meal for us. the aspect of technology kills creativity and rises day by day due to innovative inventions, for example, smart homes virtual reality, smartphones, and artificial intelligence.Β 

These innovations of technology expand in our daily life aspects widely and can’t deny their extensive beneficial uses. but their extreme resolution might be stifling creativity.Β 

The tremendous use of technology devalues the wisdom of human beings, attentionally or non-attentionally we are addicted to the robotic world, and this makes us the slaves of the technology.

Hence the freedom of the human being in dander you can easily understand these terms as we spend 95% time of our day on our phones, this makes us so busy and we don’t have time to create something new and polish our creative skills.Β Β 

Because our smartphones have the internet, another innovation of the technology that has the solution to our problems. so we start depending on gadgets and become very lazy.Β 

here in this article, we will competitively study “How Technology Kills Creativity & the Intersection Of Technology and Creativity in detail

The Fear of Being Too Original

One of the main objections to technology’s increased presence in our lives is the idea that it inhibits creativity. The extensive dependence on digital devices reduces the constant pieces of information from organic sources which is mostly an inspirational source of creative work, as we are addicted to our comfort zone and have no time for self-thinking.Β 

There is worry that as we become increasingly dependent on technology, our ability to think creatively and independently may deteriorate.

but still, it is very necessary to understand the complexity of creativity that will grow in many different forms. Technology can foster creativity in some ways and create new opportunities for invention. In addition to this, technology doesn’t always kill creativity, even though it could change how we express it.Β 

Using Technology as a Creative Tool

Technology can be viewed as a potent tool that enhances our creative talents rather than as something that inhibits it. As an example, it takes the emergence of digital art.

The existence of the digital tools at their disposal converts conventional artistic expression into new digitally modern complex works of art. Technology provides new terms of study and experiments that invent virtual reality installation.

In the Digital Age, Education, and Innovation

Discussions concerning technology’s effects on creativity have also been triggered by its introduction into schooling. Critics claim that given that digital learning platforms are standardized, rote memory rather than critical thinking may be prioritized, which may hinder students’ ability to think creatively.

Β technology can be a potent instrument for encouraging innovation, Supporters retort that when applied appropriately. Student engagement can be enhanced by,Β  Virtual reality simulations, collaborative internet platforms, and interactive educational resources in ways that conventional strategies might not be able to.

With the use of these tools, teachers may provide students with dynamic and exciting learning opportunities that foster unique problem-solving and creative thinking.Β 

The secret is striking a balance between using technology making sure it doesn’t take the place of the value of independent research thought and fostering creativity.

The Negative Aspect

Diversions and excessive Information, although technology offers a plethora of avenues for artistic expression, it also poses obstacles that may hinder the creative process.

The addictive nature of social media and information overload can result from the constant onslaught of notifications, and the need for rapid gratification, which can divert people from more in-depth, thoughtful thought.

Given that people’s attention spans are getting shorter, it’s critical to understand how important it is to occasionally unplug from technology.

A good balance between technology and creativity requires taking pauses from screens, being observant, and participating in activities that encourage reflection. The way we choose to use and handle technology is what limits creativity, not the technology.

Technology’s Collaborative Potential

Encouraging Group Innovation, and technology’s capacity to enable global collaboration is another aspect of the relationship between it and creativity.

TheΒ internet invention of technology has an extraordinary place in our lives, in houses, offices coffee, and in every place where we live the internet is present there. the internet changed the method of communication, it vanished the concept of the border.

It covers multiple fields for example, in the online world, people from different backgrounds are united by it. in addition to this, it helps a lot in open-source efforts, and coming up with creative solutions.Β 

​Collaboration tools and crowdsourcing have democratized innovation by viewpoints and enabling contributions from a wide range of backgrounds In this way, technology fosters group innovation to tackle difficult problems by facilitating the synthesis of various viewpoints.

Transforms Of The Change

The need for digital literacy and critical thinking,Β  digital literacy and critical thinking are essential for navigating the changing link between creativity and technology.

People need to learn how to distinguish between information, which one is accurate and which one is falsely comprehended adjust to constantly changing digital environments as technology advances.

People get ready for this fast-changing environment due to the assistance of the Institutions of higher learning

A proactive attitude to technology use and the inclusion of digital literacy in the curriculum can enable people to maximize the creative potential of technology while reducing its negative effects and a focus on critical thinking abilities.


At the terminated point, we achieve a harmonious equilibrium. To sum up, the myth that technology stifles creativity is unduly basic. The two have a complicated relationship since technology can be both a strong creative enabler and a possible threat. The secret is to understand the subtleties of this connection and take a fair stance.

we should focusΒ  on using it as a tool for cooperation, expression, and discovery, Instead of worrying about how technology may affect creativity,

We can get a healthy balance that enables creativity to flourish in the digital age by embracing digital tools, encouraging a thoughtful attitude to technology use, and increasing digital literacy.

lead us into a future where the invention has no boundaries as we traverse its always-evolving landscape. Let’s embrace technology’s ability to expand our creative potential.Β 


By Muneeb

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